Jo-Ann Cohn
Licensed Psychologist
Hi! I’m Jo-Ann
I’m compassionate, intuitive, and always seeking to learn about the things that interest me, but I also struggle with everyday things like keeping my desk neat and organized. . I’m a classic introvert who brightens up and gets very interactive when I’m talking to someone one-on-one. For decades I knew that I was smart and capable, but I also noticed that I had trouble with planning and moving forward smoothly and confidently toward my professional goals. I kept running into snags because of things like skipping a practical planning step, or thinking I wasn’t good enough to shoot for levels of success others in my profession had reached.
As a high-achiever, it never occurred to me that I might have ADHD. I didn’t realize that I’d learned to function around it. I thought that the difficulties I had were simply because I was lazy or undisciplined. Now that my ADHD has been correctly identified, I’ve learned to love the aspects of myself that are creative, intuitive, and idealistic and to stop beating myself up because my kitchen counters are cluttered and organizing paperwork for me is like trying to walk through quicksand. I celebrate the ability to look for small details in nature to marvel at while walking my dog. I’m glad that I love to laugh, both for the pure joy of laughing out loud (when appropriate!) and for the uplifting effect that humor can have in facing down life’s stressors.
I chose a doctoral program with a strong emphasis on the process of psychotherapy because I wanted to have the best skills possible to help clients. I love my job, and I feel lucky to have found what I was meant to do and to be able to do it. I especially enjoy helping people who face challenges I’ve also faced.
Education and Licensing:
B.A., Psychology. Yale University
M.Ed., Educational Psychology. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Psy.D., Professional Psychology. The George Washington University
Licensed to practice psychology in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and all states participating in PSYPACT.
If what I’ve shared about myself and about the areas I specialize in sounds like a good fit for you, reach out to me! Let’s get started on your journey toward feeling better about yourself and getting things done. Reach for calm and find it. It’s absolutely within reach!