Support For Women Ready to Thrive with ADHD

Online Therapy in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland

I work with women whose ADHD went undiagnosed for years, or even decades. They are intelligent, got good grades and masked their struggles well to avoid being a burden, letting others down, or asking for help. They’ve recently been diagnosed with ADHD, or they’ve done their own research and have come to the realization that they probably would be if they were formally tested. They’re seeing themselves and their struggles in a whole new light for the first time, relieved that so many things about themselves make sense now,but also grieving lost time and missed opportunities. Having had my own experience with this, I know the value of embracing the entire emotional spectrum of feelings that come up when you realize you’ve been living with undiagnosed ADHD.

If you are just discovering that you have (or probably have) ADHD and are negotiating the feelings around that, I get it and I am excited to help. The realization that you have ADHD is a major life event, and if you’re down for digging in and exploring the relief as well as the grief, you’re my people.

Have you encountered people who have said, “But you have a college degree/master’s/doctorate/successful business — you can’t possibly have ADHD!” Maybe such a person stopped your progress in getting diagnosed for a period of time. It happens quite often. How about, “You manage a whole household, your kids’ schedules, and hold down a good job — you couldn’t do those things with ADHD.” To which you can now say, “Oh really? That’s exactly what I’ve been doing.”

If you’re a woman over 30, and you’ve recently become aware that you have ADHD, there are many struggles and emotions you probably have in common with my clients.
Have you always felt:

  • That you can’t “adult” like other people?
  • That the version of yourself you show others masks a disorganized mess?
  • Like you’re a failure in all areas of life?
  • Aware that you’re smart but can’t plan, prioritize, or finish things like other people can?
  • That your creative, joyful spirit is trapped in a self that can’t handle daily life?
  • Unreliable though you don’t mean to be?
  • Chronically hard on yourself?
  • Extremely sensitive to rejection?
  • Terrible with finances?
  • Like you need to hide in shame?

If so, you’re in the right place.

When you’re diagnosed late in life with ADHD, it feels like a lightbulb went on that makes things in your life make SO MUCH SENSE. One of the first things you feel is grateful to have an explanation for your years of struggle. However, you may also wish that you’d known you had ADHD years ago, so you could have felt better about yourself and had an easier time reaching your goals. There are a lot of important things to unpack in that emotional carry-on.

If you’re ready to examine how ADHD has impacted your life, celebrate the positive aspects of yourself, grieve lost time and lost opportunities, and make the most of your life from now on, let’s get started!

Hi! I’m Jo-Ann

Licensed Psychologist in Pennsylvania

I provide online therapy for women who have been diagnosed with ADHD later in life, or who have done their own research and have determined that they probably would be diagnosed with ADHD if they were formally tested.

I’m here to support and guide you as you explore all the issues and emotional reactions that come up when you realize you’ve had undiagnosed ADHD for years, maybe even decades.

Jo-Ann Cohn

What’s the Game Plan?

If you are an adult with ADHD, you need the “Three C’s”:

  • Counseling — with a neurospicy therapist who gets how you think and knows how to help. That’s me!
  • Community — You have no idea yet what good company you’re in! It’s time to come out of hiding and join the world of amazing, fun, inspiring women with ADHD. No more isolating in shame! It’s going to energize and empower you, and I’m so excited that you’re going to discover that!
  • Calm — That internal restlessness that makes your thoughts and feelings fly in all directions at once needs regular breaks from the whirlwind, and I can show you how.

I’ll want to explore all aspects of what you’ve been through in life — the good, the bad, and the messy.

We’ll figure out if you also have depression and/or anxiety, because chances are you do. I can help you with those issues too. Substance abuse issues? I can refer you to other great clinicians who treat both ADHD and substance abuse. Disordered eating? Again, I’ll help you find the right therapist.

I’ll laugh with you, cry with you, and get off topic with you, gently guiding you back if you lose your train of thought. No corrections, no chilly impatience, no judgement. You show up as yourself and I’ll show up for you. I’m also going to praise you and point out your strengths, even if you don’t feel deserving of praise. And I won’t stop there. My goal is to teach you to admire yourself and your achievements and be able to cheer for yourself and really feel like you mean it. It’s gonna happen. You’ll see!

Let’s get started. Reach out to me today!

Now that your ADHD is in focus, it’s time for you to reach out for help that’s tailored for YOU — an adult woman with ADHD. There’s a lot to look at – many pain points to explore and heal, and just as many unappreciated aspects of yourself to discover and celebrate.

I’m here for you for all aspects of this journey, even (and especially) if you get emotional, distracted, feel embarrassed, or feel deep shame. Let me help you find calm, comfort, and community. You can, and it’s really going to help you thrive!

Let’s get going on this journey! Reach out to me today!